concord, nc

The coolest part about our location is not the present at all, but rather it’s past.

You may have noticed the “Porter” in our name. It pays homage to the successful businesses that inhabited this building before us for many years. Opening shop in the center of a historic town means we have a lot to live up to. As fate would have it, it just so happened that our storefront was previously run by another set of siblings, Charles & Ernest Porter of Porter Drug Co. for nearly 70 years.

Many Concord locals remember 8 Union St. in its original glory, Soda fountain (below), prescription counter (left bottom row) and original tin ceilings. Though we wish we could have preserved more of the original finishes, we did preserve the name. We felt if a business ran successfully in this space for this long, we better pay our respects.

Concord itself was established in the 1700’s and in modern day it has been voted one of HGTV's Most Charming Small Towns. As you may notice the many landmarks and plaques designating what many of these buildings used to be, Concord is prideful in preserving its history and everything it once was. In more current times the construction fencing and heavy machinery abundantly scattered throughout our streets are clear signs of the change coming. We are in the middle of a revitalization including the Streetscape Construction Project that will widen the sidewalks, creating a more pedestrian friendly atmosphere, public art and outdoor seating. Though we are excited for the end goal, the process has taken a toll on many downtown businesses during a lengthy and messy construction project. The end date for this project is expected to be Fall of 2024.

While we know that change is inevitable we do hope that the charm and history of our small town stays. We know that getting to our location during this project is not easy and appreciate all the effort it takes to support us. Please visit our Contact page for parking information.

